Luxury Rigid Boxes

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Book Boxes

Book Boxes

Custom book boxes are boxes that are specifically made to fit and store books. They are often made to measure and can be tailored to the size and shape of the books they are intended to store. They are commonly used for storage, transport, and protection of books, especially valuable or rare books. Custom book boxes can be made of various materials, such as cardboard, wood, or plastic, and may have features like lids, handles, and labels to make them easier to use

Business Gift Boxes

Business Gift Boxes

Custom business gift boxes are a great way to showcase your company’s appreciation to clients, employees, or partners. With a variety of sizes, shapes, and designs available, you can personalize each box to fit your brand and create a lasting impression. These gift boxes not only enhance the presentation of your gift, but also offer additional branding opportunities. By incorporating your company logo, message, or design on the box, you can further reinforce your brand identity. Custom business gift boxes are the perfect solution for any corporate gifting occasion and will leave a lasting positive impact on the recipients.

Collapsible Magnetic Closure Box

Collapsible Magnetic Closure Box

Collapsible Magnetic closure boxes refer to boxes that have been packaged and sent to the customer for delivery in a flat, unassembled form. Instead of being put together and ready for use, these boxes are shipped as individual pieces (lid and base) that the customer must assemble themselves. Shipping boxes flat is more economical, as it saves on shipping costs, as well as storage space, as flat boxes take up less room than assembled boxes. Once the customer receives the flat boxes, they can easily assemble them by fastening the lid to the base. The magnetic closure mechanism typically consists of a small magnet embedded in the lid of the box that attracts to a metal plate in the base of the box, keeping the lid securely closed. By shipping boxes flat, customers can also save on packaging materials, as the flat boxes take up less room and require less protective material to keep them safe during shipment. However, it’s important to note that the customer will need to have the tools and skills to assemble the boxes themselves or seek assistance from a professional.

Gift Boxes

Gift Boxes

Rigid paper packaging gift boxes are boxes made from stiff materials like cardboard or paperboard. They provide a sturdy and protective packaging solution for gift items. These boxes have a classic and elegant look and are often used for high-end gift packaging, special events, and product launches. They come in various sizes and shapes and can be customized with printing or branding to create a unique look. The rigid material helps protect the contents of the box during shipping and handling and gives the box a premium feel. They are also eco-friendly and can be easily recycled after use.

Luxury Boxes

Luxury Boxes

Luxury paper packaging boxes made from rigid materials like cardboard or paperboard are high-end packaging solutions for premium products. They are durable, sturdy, and provide a protective layer for the contents. These boxes are often used for luxury gift items, cosmetics, jewelry, and high-end consumer goods. They come in various sizes, shapes, and designs and can be customized with printing, branding, and embellishments to create a unique and upscale look. The rigid material gives the box a sophisticated feel and adds to the overall premium experience for the customer. These boxes are also eco-friendly and can be easily recycled after use.

Magnetic Closure Box (Shipped Assembled)

Magnetic Closure Box (Shipped Assembled)

Magnetic closure boxes are boxes that have a magnetic closure mechanism, which is used to securely close the box and keep the contents inside. These types of boxes are popular for packaging products, such as jewelry, cosmetics, or other small items, as they provide a clean, elegant, and secure way to store and present the product. The magnetic closure mechanism typically consists of a small magnet embedded in the lid of the box that attracts to a metal plate in the base of the box, keeping the lid securely closed.

PR Boxes

PR Boxes

PR boxes, also known as press kits or press releases, are promotional packages used to provide information about a product, company, or event to members of the media. They typically include a variety of materials, such as a press release, product samples, photographs, and other promotional materials, all packaged in a custom box. The goal of a PR box is to attract media attention and generate coverage for the product, company, or event. PR boxes can be physical or digital, and they are usually sent to journalists, bloggers, and influencers to give them an in-depth look at what is being promoted. PR boxes are often used in the context of product launches, new company announcements, or events, to help build interest and excitement among media and consumers.

Presentation Boxes

Presentation Boxes

We at provide premium quality bespoke presentation boxes. These are handcrafted boxes made for your product to look high-end. If you are trying to make the best first impression on your buyers these presentations boxes will best suit your product. With our in-house design we can help create an artwork from scratch and make tweaks to your already existing artwork/logo if required. For further information please contact us via the quote form or else you can send us an email at

Shoulder box

Shoulder box

A shoulder box is a type of packaging that is designed to hold and protect products, The shoulder box is commonly used for high-end or premium products, such as luxury clothing, textiles, or other similar items, as it offers protection and a professional look to the item. The box is also often used for gift packaging, as it provides a unique and stylish way to present a gift. The shoulder box is easy to open and close, and its sturdy construction helps keep the item protected during shipping and handling. It has a shoulder-like shape, with a flat base and a raised “shoulder” area. The shoulder area provides additional space for branding, labeling, or other promotional materials, making it a useful tool for marketing and advertising.

Overall, the shoulder box is a versatile and effective packaging solution that provides protection, functionality, and aesthetic appeal to a wide range of products.

Sleeve Box

Sleeve Box

We at provide premium quality bespoke presentation boxes. These are handcrafted boxes made for your product to look high-end. If you are trying to make the best first impression on your buyers these presentations boxes will best suit your product. With our in-house design we can help create an artwork from scratch and make tweaks to your already existing artwork/logo if required. For further information please contact us via the quote form or else you can send us an email at



A slipcase is a type of protective box designed to hold and store books, CDs, DVDs, or other similar items. Slipcases are typically made of rigid stock and are used to protect and preserve the items they contain. They often have a simple, clean design, with a snug fit around the item, to keep it protected from scratches, dust, and other damage. Slipcases can also be used to enhance the appearance of an item, making it look more attractive or professional. They are commonly used for collectible or limited edition items, such as rare books, special edition DVDs, or high-end audio CDs.

Watch Boxes

Watch Boxes

A watch box is a type of packaging designed specifically for holding and protecting watches. They can be designed to hold a single watch or multiple watches. Watch boxes often have cushioned compartments or pillows to protect the watch and keep it secure during storage and transport. Watch boxes are commonly used for high-end or luxury watches, as they provide a professional and stylish way to present and protect the watch. The boxes may also have additional features, such as magnetic closure or ribbons to enhance their functionality and protection.