Shipping and Delivery Policy

At, we offer a variety of shipping options for our customers:

STANDARD: Free ground shipping within the 48 contiguous states. Orders are usually shipped within 10-14 business days after final proof approval, but shipping times are not guaranteed.
PRIORITY: Guaranteed to ship within 8 business days with free ground shipping included within the 48 contiguous states.
EXPRESS: Guaranteed to ship within 6 business days with free ground shipping included within the 48 contiguous states.
Please note that final proof approval must be received by 11:00 AM EST, or an additional business day will be added to the shipping times. While we always strive to print and ship orders in a timely manner, we cannot be held liable for any damages or consequences resulting from any delay in production, shipping, or delivery of the ordered products. customers agree not to hold us liable for any delays in shipments caused by circumstances beyond our control, including technical issues, weather conditions, shipping company delays, or international customs issues. We calculate our shipment and delivery dates based on estimates provided by our suppliers and recent order history.

We always aim to meet our delivery schedules, but unexpected equipment failure or technical problems may cause delays in the printing or shipping processes. In such cases, we will refund or waive rush charges or expedite fees where applicable. Please note that orders cannot be cancelled due to delays in the printing or shipping processes.

Customers are responsible for paying all customs duties and fees on goods shipped to their respective locations. It is the customer’s responsibility to clear customs for shipments delivered outside the United States.

At, we take pride in providing our customers with quality products at competitive prices. We have production houses located around the world to ensure that we can meet the needs of our customers in different regions. Our production houses are located in many parts of the world, but Asia is especially important to us, as it offers both quality and competitive pricing. You can rest assured that we will deliver your product to your doorstep with no extra charges.